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Spoil A Mum With A Spa Day

May 04, 2020

If a professional spa day is off the cards this Mother’s Day, why not recreate this indulgence at home?

Mothers day - DIY spa day

The secret lies in how you set the scene. Create a relaxing atmosphere by claiming a quiet, calming space. This might mean arranging someone in the house to babysit for an hour so a lucky mum can be pampered. Or it might mean moving furniture to set up a cosy oasis for your lucky self. Fairy lights and dulcet music will add to the calming mood. Try the ‘Soothing Sleep Sanctuary’ playlist on Spotify for a collection of songs that will help you unwind.

A scented soak

Start the pamper session the right way, with a drink of lemon-infused water while running a warm bubble bath. Drop a few essential oils in the bath for extra relaxation. If you don’t have essential oils on hand, sprinkle some Epsom salt in the tub. Epsom salt helps the body remove toxins and reduces inflammation. Relaxation doesn’t get much better than this.

If you don’t have a bath, substitute it for a shower. Choose a scented body wash or special soap for a luxurious shower and place a few drops of a soothing essential oil like lavender or ylang-ylang on a damp facecloth. Hang the facecloth over the shower door to let the steam disperse the scent and fill the bathroom with spa day aroma.

At-home facial

A facial is a true luxury. Soothing and refreshing, these at-home facial recipes are simple and fun to prepare and apply. There’s a natural facemask designed to help every skin type feel smooth and fresh.

You will need:

• Face cleanser
• Exfoliating scrub
• Soft cloth
• Face mask (using one of the following recipes)
• Face moisturiser


1. Cleanse. Cleanse. Cleanse. Remove any makeup and wash the face well with the cleanser.
2. Use the exfoliator to gently rub the face using upward circular motions. This helps to improve skin elasticity.
3. Run a soft cloth under hot water until warm and drape it over the face for a few minutes. Make sure it is a comfortable temperature. The heat opens the skin’s pores.
4. Mix up one of the below homemade face masks and follow the application instructions.
5. To finish, hydrate the skin with a face moisturizer.

Avocado facemask recipe

• ¼ ripe avocado
• 1 tsp organic yoghurt
• ½ tsp honey

1. Mash the ripe avocado in a bowl until there are no lumps.
2. Mix the yoghurt and honey in with the avocado. (Heat honey for 10 seconds to soften if needed).
3. Apply the mask to the skin and leave on for 10-15 minutes or until it dries. Rinse off with warm water.
(Tip: Use a mixture of oatmeal and water to gently rub the face before applying the facemask to gently exfoliate the skin.)

Matcha mask recipe

• 1 ½ tsp water
• 1 tbsp matcha powder (alternative: green tea)
• 1 ½ tsp honey
• 1 tbsp olive oil

1. Combine the water and matcha powder in a small bowl. Mix well.
2. Add the honey and olive oil and stir.
3. Apply the mask to the face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
(Tip: The matcha works to increase circulation and strengthen the capillary walls leaving the face soft and smooth feeling.)

Soothing eye treatment

Itchy, dry, puffy, sore eyes can find reprieve in this natural soothing eye treatment. Wet two chamomile tea bags and place them in the fridge to cool before resting them on closed eyes. Cucumber slices can also be chilled and applied to closed eyes to cool and soothe them, while chilled raw potato slices are great for soothing puffy eyes. Place your chosen method over closed eyes for 10 minutes. Up the relaxation with calming music, lavender essential oil nearby, and plenty of comfy cushions.

Rejuvenating body scrub

This body scrub nourishes skin for a fresh, renewed feeling. Create a mixture using one part olive oil and two parts brown sugar. Add a splash of manuka honey if the skin is acne-prone or particularly dry. For anti-inflammatory benefits add an optional few drops of lemon essential oil. Apply the scrub all over, using gentle circular motions for 1-2 minutes. Focus on rough areas like the feet, hands, and elbows. Rinse off with warm water to finish.

Deep hair conditioning

Choose from a few simple ingredients for a hair conditioning treatment that brings a burst of moisture and leaves plenty of shine.

Avocado – Mash an avocado and massage it directly onto the hair for deep moisturization. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with cool water.
Eggs – Thoroughly beat an egg and massage on the hair for natural protein enrichment. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with cool water.
Coconut oil – Massage the oil on the hair and scalp for essential fatty acids and vitamins, plus the removal of build-up on the scalp.

Softening hand treatment

Hands that are dry from regular washing, rough from the garden, or worn from regular use like sewing or typing will enjoy this luxurious treatment. In a small bowl, add 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp sugar (granular brown sugar works best but if the hand skin is papery skip this exfoliating ingredient), and 1 tsp almond or grapeseed oil (alternative: liquid coconut oil). Mix the ingredients thoroughly before rubbing the mixture over the hands and palms in a circular motion applying gentle pressure. If the tops of the hands are sore, focus the pressure on the palms. Continue this for a few minutes before rinsing the mixture off with warm water. To finish, massage the hands and fingers with a hydrating lotion.

DIY toner

Rosewater is a wonderful toner that keeps skin hydrated and helps balance uneven skin tones. Combine 1 cup rose petals and 2 cups boiling water in a bowl. Cover the bowl and leave the mixture to cool. Once the mixture is at room temperature strain the liquid into a glass jar and store it in the fridge. Wipe this refreshing toner on with cotton pads and leave to dry.

While these steps make for a luxurious at-home Mother’s Day gift, the spa treatments can be used individually for a spot of pampering any day of the year. Why not schedule a treatment per week and make regular time to pamper yourself or someone you love? And remember, if you schedule the pampering over happy hour, you’ll need to switch the lemon water for a glass of bubbly!

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