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DIY Cleaning Products

April 09, 2020

Avoid a trip to the supermarket with these easy to make home cleaning products. These affordable mixtures use common natural ingredients. They’re safe for pets, friendly on your hands, respiratory system, the environment, and your home’s surfaces.


Natural air freshener

Swap out your pressurised chemical air fresheners for this fresh, zesty natural alternative. Simply simmer 1 litre of water in a medium pot with natural scents that will disperse throughout your home. This is a great one for pet owners and after cooking strong-smelling meals.

Experiment with your favourite scents or try these combinations:

  • Lime Surprise: 1 sliced lime, 1 medium chopped ginger root or 2 tbsp thyme
  • Orange Party: 1 sliced orange, ¼ tsp nutmeg, ¼ tsp cloves, 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Lemon Zest: 1 sliced lemon, 2 drops vanilla essence, 2 tbsp rosemary


Citrus infused vinegar concentrate

Give your cleaning sprays a fresh, zesty scent with this citrus diffused vinegar concentrate.

Start with a clean 500ml jar. Fill it with organic citrus peels (lemon, orange, lime) and top the jar up with undiluted white vinegar. Let the citrus diffuse in the vinegar for 1-2 weeks, then strain the vinegar.

Dilute this concentrate with water when making homemade natural cleaning sprays like window cleaner, floor cleaner, and all-purpose sprays.


DIY wood spray

Use this spray when cleaning wooden furniture. It will both sanitise and nourish your wood surfaces. Be sure to confirm that the furniture is wood and not a thin veneer before spraying. This recipe uses essential oils which are potent so use an amber glass bottle to ensure that the oils cannot damage the bottle.


  • ½ cup vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tbsp oil (olive oil or sunflower oil are good choices)
  • 5 drops cedarwood essential oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil

Combine all the ingredients in a spray bottle, cover, and shake well. Spray the mixture on the wood and immediately wipe with a soft cloth to dust, sanitise, and protect the surface. If you want an even deeper shine, follow the cleaner with a little coconut oil, but be sure to test the oil on a hidden surface first. This spray is not suitable for unfinished wood or fine antiques. It’s also not recommended for stainless steel, granite, glass, or walls because it contains oil.



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