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DIY Home Fragrance

April 08, 2020

Between pets, cooking, and rainy days indoors, our homes can become a mixture of aromas. Some of which are unwelcome. 

Help your home smell as good as it looks with these clever ideas.

Eucalytus leaves

Hang a sprig of attractive and naturally relaxing eucalyptus from your shower head. With every shower the steam will spread a sweet minty-pine scent through your bathroom. Add a homemade face mask and you have a day spa at home.

Dried herbs
Invite nature indoors and hang rustic bunches of dried herbs around your home using a textured twine. Cupboard handles and the ends of curtain rails are perfect for hanging herbs. Their fragrance and deep green tones will freshen your home beautifully.

Scented pinecones

For a stunning decorative statement that smells amazing, create some DIY scented pinecones.

Step 1: Place two pinecones in a resealable bag.

Step 2: Add 2-3 drops of essential oil of your choice (lavender or rose work well with the woody scent of the pinecones).

Step 3: Shake the bag for 10 seconds and store it in a cool, dry cupboard for 2 weeks.

Place your scented pinecones in a decorative bowl and enjoy.


Scented, attractive, and colourful. Potpourri in a decorative bowl provides visual enjoyment and a bold, customised scent. Simply combine dried flowers, essential oils, herbs, and spices in a decorative bowl and wait two weeks for your scent to mature.

Scented sprays

Try this natural, affordable alternative to chemical air fresheners. Combining the following ingredients in a spray bottle will result in a sweet, lemon basil scent.

2 cups water

1 cup white vinegar

20 drops lemon essential oil

15 drops basil essential oil

When you want a burst of scent, shake the bottle and spritz the air. As a bonus, this mixture doubles as a natural cleaning spray.

Simmer pot

If you are seeking a homely scent but don’t have the energy to bake cookies, pop a few spices in a pot and simmer it on the stove. The scent will diffuse through your home. Experiment with cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, apple peel, lemon rind, and anise.

Fragrant houseplants

Besides livening up your home décor, fragrant houseplants give off a lovely subtle aroma. Position a naturally fragrant plant near an open window and let the breeze waft a gentle scent through your home. This approach is ideal for a daily scent that is not overpowering.

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