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Autumn fairy lights glass jar

April 28, 2020

Decorated glass jars are fun to create and look fantastic dotted around the house.

autumn Leaf Fairy Lights Jar

This cost-effect, at-home project is fun for kids and adults alike. The goal? To transform your home into a cosy autumn escape. Dim the lights and enjoy the burnt-orange hue of this autumn-themed jar as it illuminates the room.


  • Glass jar
  • Mod podge glue
  • Paintbrush
  • Autumn leaves (artificial or fresh from the garden)
  • Battery-operated LED fairy lights
  • Coloured ribbon (hessian, orange, or red)


1. Paint the outside of a glass jar with a thin layer of mod podge and leave to dry until it becomes sticky to touch.
2. If using artificial leaves, remove the plastic veins so that they will stick to the curved edges of the jar. If using real leaves, dampen them slightly for the same reason. Press your leaves against the sticky jar surface and hold until they adhere.
3. Paint another thin layer of glue on top of the leaf. For a relaxed, rustic look, skip this step on a few leaf corners.
4. Repeat as required and let dry for 3 hours.
5. Tie the ribbon around the jar neck and place the LED lights inside.

Transport yourself to an autumn paradise! A fresh twist on the classic Halloween pumpkin, this creation is a great one to share with kids. Spice up a coffee table arrangement for cosy nights in or place the jar in your bedroom for a creative nightlight.

Phoo by Lily Banse on Unsplash

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