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Rise and shine breakfast platter

September 11, 2021


This breakfast platter can make any morning special – whether you’re celebrating a birthday, someone special, or that it’s Saturday. We’ve included all the usual breakfast foods below from sweet to savoury.



Your base (breakfast staples)
- pancakes
- muffins
- crumpets
- bagels
- granola pots
- eggs, any style you prefer

Toppings and spreads
- butter
- cream cheese
- maple syrup
- honey
- jams
- chocolate
- bacon
- yoghurt

- berries
- banana
- orange
- melon

Splash of creativity
- Fill small champagne glasses with breakfast smoothie or fresh juice and arrange them on your platter.

Begin with the base items then cluster your condiment dishes starring your toppings and spreads around those items. Now fan and stack your fruit using all the remaining space and any gaps. Small fruits like berries with strong colour are perfect for the final scatter. They’re often used to tie a platter together.

Hungry for more?
For more platter ingredient lists, click one of the below:
‘Say cheese!’ platter 
Fresh seafood platter 
Savoury comfort platter
Vege lovers platter 
Sweet treat platter 

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