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Chicken & Mango Salad

December 14, 2022

Chicken & Mango Salad-640x450-1

This light and fresh summery salad never fails to delight. To feed more people, simply double or triple the quantities of ingredients.



1 chicken breast

50g pickled carrot

1/4 cucumber, sliced

1/4 small Spanish onion, sliced

Cherry tomatoes, quartered

Salad mix, washed

1/2 mango, sliced

1 tsp lemon pepper

2 tsp oil


1/4 cup mayo
2 tsp mild curry powder
1/4 piece of mango
2 tsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper


1.  Marinate the chicken with lemon pepper and oil for about 15 minutes.

2 . Place all the dressing ingredients in a food processor and blend them well, season and set aside.
3.  Place all the ingredients except the chicken in a bowl and add the dressing. Place the salad on a plate.

4. Grill the chicken, slice, and place with the salad just before serving.

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