Ryman Healthcare | Lifestyle

Cooking with Brussels Sprouts

Written by Ryman Healthcare | May 28, 2020 11:20:00 PM

Brussels Sprouts Reborn

For a long time, brussels sprouts have been a contentious vegetable, infamous for their strong and bitter taste. Fortunately for our compact leafy friends, they are packed with nutrition, especially fiber, vitamin K (required for bone health) and vitamin C (an antioxidant involved in tissue repair and immune function). As society becomes increasingly health conscious, brussels sprouts are having their day in the spotlight.


Some of the credit for this newfound fame lies with the how they are being cooked. Roasted with honey and harissa, incredibly crispy, or baked with cream, cheese and breadcrumbs until bubbling and delicious. The colder the weather gets, the sweeter these sprouts taste. So, what better time to learn how to grow and cook your own?

Sow them

Sowing sprouts is the first step. Now is the perfect time to start by setting up your brussels sprouts seedlings in seed trays indoors. After about four to six weeks once the weather has cooled, the seedlings are ready to be planted in fertilized soil directly in the garden bed or a large pot. Ensure that the seedlings are spaced at least 50cm apart and continue to water them often. Now wait until the peak of winter to get the best taste out of your brussels sprouts. Leave your plant growing by picking the formed sprouts from the bottom of the stems, this way you can still enjoy these well into Spring.


Store them

Storing sprouts is an easy task. Leave them on the stem if you want them to last longer. Simply refrigerate the stem end in water and break off sprouts when you are ready to cook them. Make sure to trim the outer leaves off before cooking. Chef’s tip: The longer sprouts are stored, the stronger they will taste.


Cook them

Now the most important step to get right: cooking the sprouts. If there’s one thing we’ve learnt from generations before us, it is to avoid boiling brussels sprouts. To unleash their true potential, slow roast or flash fry them. There are many flavours that will complement brussels sprouts including bacon, sesame, balsamic vinegar, almonds, honey, and rosemary. Raw sprouts are also delicious and can be grated into a salad or slaw.


Photo by Keenan Loo on Unsplash