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Minute lasagne in a mug

April 16, 2020

A time-honoured winter dish with a twist. This lasagne in a mug serves one and can be prepared in advance making it great for busy bees.

minute Lasagne in a Mug

For comfort food in a minute, it doesn’t get better than this.

• 3 tbsp pizza sauce
• 3 tbsp cottage cheese or 2 tbsp pesto
• 2 diced green olives, chopped
• 4 slices pepperoni
• 1/3 cup fresh spinach (alternative: kale or silver beet leaves)
• 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese


1. Add the pizza sauce to a large mug.
2. Top the sauce with cottage cheese or pesto
3. Layer the olives, pepperoni, and spinach. Sprinkle with the cheese. Gently press to compact.
4. Microwave on high for 60 seconds. Important: All microwaves are different, so cooking times may vary.

A nutritious, soul-warming lasagne doesn’t need to be time consuming or result in a lot of dishes. Spend only five minutes preparing this dinner for one. It is best enjoyed on a chilly winter evening after a long day.

Photo by Helena Yankovska on Unsplash

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