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Vietnamese Prawn Spring Rolls

December 13, 2022


Vietnamese Prawn Spring Rolls 

Serves: 8-10

If you’re in need of an interesting and tasty crowd-pleaser, fresh Vietnamese spring rolls are quick and easy finger food, perfectly accompanied by a satay dipping sauce. These prawn spring rolls are a refreshing alternative to the deep-fried version and are great as a colourful addition to grazing platters, BBQs or dinner parties.

200g prawn meat (cooked), chopped

100g vermicelli rice noodles

20 large (or 30 small) rounds of rice paper

1 large carrot, grated

1 iceberg lettuce, finely shredded

1 cup mint leaves, torn

3 tbsp coriander leaves, roughly chopped

½ tsp sugar


Satay Sauce

Leftover satay sauce is the perfect dipping sauce for these prawn rolls.

1. Place dry vermicelli noodles in a bowl and completely cover them with boiling water. Set aside to soak for 10 minutes.
2. Place the carrots, lettuce, mint, coriander, and sugar in a bowl and combine. Set aside.
3. Drain the noodles after 10 minutes and roughly chop them. Add the noodles to the vegetable bowl.
4. Add the chopped prawn meat to the bowl and mix until well combined. Set aside.
5. Prepare the rice paper sheets by dunking them in water until fully immersed, then placing them on a bench covered with a damp surface or non-fluffy cloth.
6. Once the paper softens and becomes flexible, place some mixture on each paper round. Roll up tightly, tucking in the rice paper sides to create a spring roll.
7. Once all the rolls are complete, place them seam-side down in a single layer on a non-stick surface and cover with a damp paper towel. Chill in the fridge for up to 24 hours before serving.
8. Serve with your heated leftover satay dipping sauce.


Keep your work surface damp to ensure that your rice paper doesn’t get too sticky during rolling. Working with them on a damp cloth as described in the recipe helps to prevent sticking and aids in the rolling.


Not a prawn fan? Simply swap out the prawn for the same quantity of fish or chicken meat!




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