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British Museum Virtual Tour

May 11, 2020

Roam the halls of the British Museum from the comfort of your own home. 

MuseumThe historically significant collection spans over two million years of human history, art, and culture. Discover a Mesolithic headdress one minute and a Cézanne the next as you virtually tour the collection.


The museum has partnered with Google Arts & Culture to offer internationally located visitors access to their virtual, interactive gallery. Named ‘The Museum of the World’, the interactive experience lets you browse through the history of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.


Navigate to a time period of interest or start at the timeline’s beginning, 2,000,000 BC.


Click a dot on the timeline to view an object from the collection, then click ‘find out more’ to open a window with detailed information about the object, exhibit audio, related objects, and the ability to open the object’s location on a map.


Click here to enter: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-british-museum

The British Museum is not the only cultural institution to offer online access to their collection. Zoos are live streaming their animal enclosures, art galleries have opened their virtual doors, and orchestras, theatres, and dance companies are sharing their performances online with the world. Here are some links to get you started.


Sistine Chapel:


Great Wall of China:


Yellowstone Park:


Broadway HD:



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