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Feijoa Salsa

April 23, 2021

Feijoa salsa recipe

Fresh Feijoa Salsa Recipe

Salsa is a reliable crowd pleaser for social gatherings. And this recipe is a fresh, zesty take on the classic. Quick and easy to prepare, serve this dish as an accompanying dip for a starter of chips and nibbles. Fresh, zesty, and filled with feijoa – it must be time for autumn entertaining!


3 feijoas

1 tomato

1 red onion

½ cucumber

1 lime

1 bunch coriander

1. Scoop the feijoa flesh and discard of the skin.
2. Finely dice all the ingredients except for the lime.
3. Place all the diced ingredients in a serving bowl, squeeze the juice from the lime over the mixture,        and gently combine.

This recipe is packed with fresh produce, so it’s best to serve the salsa immediately. As expected, it works beautifully as a classic dip for chips, but also as a tasty topper for freshly cooked fish.

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