Your online destination for an active body and stimulated mind.
The rain falls down from leaden skies,
A thousand tears in angel's eyes,
For surely it must make them sad,
to see the changes that we've had.
Their tears could turn to smiles 'though,
As silver linings start to show,
For look at what is happening here,
We're cleaning up the atmosphere!
People on their daily walk
will from a distance stop and talk.
There's lots of laughter, lots of smiles,
Technology to close the miles.
There's kindness and support there too,
For that's what Kiwis always do,
We'll come back strong because we can,
Is this all part of nature's plan?
- Jenny GIll, 2020
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From delicious recipes, travel and gardening to interesting tales from our Ryman residents. It's your online destination for bright ideas, a stimulated mind and an active body.
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