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Angels in Disguise

April 07, 2020

I always thought that angels
Were clothed in garments white,
With shimmering wings and haloes
And eyes that shone so bright.

While that thought may well be true,
I need to think again:
Their clothes are many-coloured,
Worn by ordinary women and men.

Today a host of angels came
In shirts of blue and pink,
With bread and biscuits in their hands
Along with milk to drink.

They must have well-concealed their wings,
Their haloes lost to sight,
But I reckon Ryman’s angels
Are a wonderful delight!

This was no April Fool’s lark,
The gullible to mislead,
But genuine care and real concern
Supplied with love indeed.

So thank you Village Angels
For what you’ve left at our front door.
No doubt we’ll see you all again
When you wing our way once more.

Murray S. Lennox
April 1, 2020

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