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Anzac Day 2020

April 20, 2020

As Anzac Day draws nearer 

and there's not so many left

Of those bright eyed boys who left their native shores

They were *so* young, so hopeful of a life that promised much

But they went to fight for freedom, mine and yours.


They left behind their families and so many tears were shed

By their mothers, fathers, aunties, sisters, wives

They never knew the horrors of the things that lay ahead

But willingly they fought and gave their lives.


The ones who came back home to us could often not share stories

Of the things they'd seen, those things they couldn't tell

They quietly returned and tried to go on with their lives

Trying to forget they'd been through hell.


As life went on the years went by and they were getting old

They'd meet each year to talk and reminisce

And then they slowly left us, slipped away without a word

And we lost them, dearly loved and greatly missed.


Each Anzac Day there's fewer now of these courageous men

Those once young boys are bent and frail and worn

Do not forget the lives we have today we owe to them, 

Remember well this coming Anzac morn.


Our loved ones, we salute you, we will hold you in our hearts

You've done us proud, no heroes could be bigger

We thank you for your sacrifice, you most beloved men

And say another heartfelt 'Well done, Digger!

- Jan Beaumont, 2020


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