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April 07, 2020

As coronavirus starts to bite
With visitors not allowed on site
And social isolation becomes the norm,
We all prepare to face the storm.

Notices come along thick and fast,
I’m sure the next won’t be the last
As Ryman’s staff keep up the trend
To give us hints, our health to defend.

We need to heed the clarion call,
For this darn thing affects us all.
Take note of Ryman’s clear despatches
And batten down the Village hatches!

At our front gate there stands a guard
And strangers’ cars are quickly barred;
To keep our residents safe and sound,
All strangers’ cars are turned around.

Of the Village Centre we try to keep clear
So the serviced apartments have nothing to fear;
It’s almost as if we live in a bubble
To keep our inhabitants out of real trouble.

The strains of “Happy Birthday” come
As bathroom taps are frequently run
And sanitising gel is found
On desks and counters all around.

Neighbours’ greetings fill the air
In an effort to drive despair
Away from our Village, oh, so fair;
To stop this friendship, who would dare?

Two metres apart is the general rule
And all our grandkids are out of school.
But with ears glued to the phone receiver,
We’ll try to combat any cabin fever.

So let us in these times unite
Against the virus we have to fight;
Our Village borders we’ll defend
And come out right at the other end!

Murray S. Lennox
March 2020

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