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On the Move

May 05, 2020

In and out the cul de sacs
And up and down the streets
The Village walkers, Jills and Jacks,
Perform their daily feats.

It may be golfers with their trundlers
Searching for the green
Or diners with their crystal tumblers
Hoping for some fine cuisine.

But who are these with heads all bent
And clipboards in their hands?
They’re counting bears with great intent
On chairs and sills and stands.

With kilometres four or more
Within the Village grounds
There is no need for anyone
To venture out of bounds.

The folks we meet along the way
May give us cause to ponder
On whether we should ever stray –
To other pastures wander.

Why should we look across the fence
When we have so much here?
Staying put is our defence,
So do not disappear!

There are some natural bottlenecks
Where folks are apt to muster,
While some remain upon their decks
And ne’er join in a cluster.

Two metres we remain apart,
One person to each bubble;
Except where two have just one heart,
And they stay out of trouble.

With little traffic on the road
In safety we can walk;
And though we are in lock-down mode,
We still can stand and talk.

But please don’t get complacent
For the time will soon be here
When cars will be adjacent,
So keep the driveway clear.

Enjoy the Village places,
Enjoy your friendly chats,
But remember, keep your spaces,
Don’t end up as nameless stats!

Photo by L N on Unsplash

Murray S. Lennox
Ryman Resident
May, 1, 2020

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