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Your online destination for an active body and stimulated mind.

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Ten percent happier

June 18, 2020

Practical ways to cope with stress and anxiety

In times like these, we need practical, actionable ways of coping with stress, fear, and anxiety.

The meditations, podcasts, blog posts, and talks on this page will help you build resilience and find some calm amidst the chaos. We’re adding more resources as they're created - so keep checking back.


Happy old couple smiling in a park on a sunny day

Coronavirus Sanity Guide (click to access)

Brought to you by Ten Percent Happier, this guide has videos, meditations, podcasts, etc. all designed to give you a sanity break.


We want to deeply thank and recognize healthcare workers all over the world who are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are a healthcare worker and are not currently subscribed to Ten Percent Happier, we would like to support you by offering free access to the app - please email care@tenpercent.com for instructions.

10 per cent happier

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