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Wednesday morning

April 24, 2020

Another day, another dawn –
I wonder where all the rest have gorn?
What was the year that I was born?
Sometimes my brain seems awfully worn!

I know we try to do our best
To separate one day from the rest,
But no matter how hard I try,
The days just keep on sliding by.

Sometimes each day seems just like another;
A pity I can’t just check with my mother,
Or as people pass by, we could ask each other;
But perhaps I’ll just lie here, right under the cover!

But wait, this MUST be Wednesday!

This is the day when I change my bed,
This is the day Rymans deliver the bread;
On my toast, marmalade is spread
And my spouse shampoos the hair on her head.

Is this a day like all the rest?
My failing memory tries its best
To mark each day with lots of zest,
So when it comes to face the test,
My brain won’t go on sailing west!

Mark your days with something new,
Link up with friends, admire the view;
Each day is a new one, that’s really true –
I’m sure we can find something worthwhile to do.

No, every day is not quite the same,
There’s always something to keep us sane.
If you are bored, the answer’s quite plain,
You’ve nobody but yourself to blame!

Murray S. Lennox
Diana Isaac Retirement Village
April 2020

All names mentioned are used with permission.

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