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A Bloke's Day Out

October 05, 2020



Bevis recently enjoyed a day that was all about him!


A resident at Ryman’s Anthony Wilding Village, Bevis was treated to a gentleman’s makeover and a fun day out from Ryman. The day kicked off with a classic barber trip complete with bay rum oil and a traditional shave. Later, it ended in a shopping session where a personal stylist helped Bevis select clothes that made him look and feel great. Being pampered isn’t the norm for Bevis but based on the width of his smile we’re confident he loved every minute of it!


A special thanks to Bailey Nelson, The Barber Lounge, Abby Button, Ballantynes and Stacey Banfield, 


This bloke’s day out was reported on in the 2020 Spring Edition of our lifestyle magazines, Kōwhai in New Zealand and Yellow in Australia. The article that you’re currently reading is the full-length version of the day Bevis was gifted. So, where to start?




A ‘grooming WOF’!


It all began at the barbershop. The Barbers Lounge in Christchurch, New Zealand, was a pleasant surprise for Bevis. Shortly after arrival, he settled into a classic barber chair that was upholstered in leather and far too comfortable, remarking “Oh, I’ll go to sleep, too!” The barbers and customers at The Barber Lounge spend their time together telling yarns, trading banter, and having a good laugh.


Entering the barbershop is where the experience begins. First, you’re hit with the traditional barbershop scent of bay rum oil reminiscent of old school barbershops. The scent fills the nostrils and enlivens the senses. Instantly, everyone from Ryman who had tagged along for the bloke’s day out relaxed, including the star of our show, Bevis. Next, you hear the gentle squeaks of classic leather barber chairs. It’s a luxurious sound that offers a sense of comfort. Much like The Barbers Lounge itself.


Bevis wasted no time getting comfortable and his barber, Khol, was keen to meet Bevis and have a good yarn. As the two chatted, Kohl got to work giving Bevis a ‘grooming WOF’. He trimmed, shaved, and gave Bevis a general tidy up from the top of his head to the bottom of his neck. All Bevis had to do was sit back and relax while his every need was tended to. True to his word, Kohl said, “We love people in general, just making them feel good”. The hot towel treatment, infused with bay rum oil, was an extra special treat that harks back to the traditional barbershop experience. Looking sharp and feeling refreshed, Bevis walked out of the barbershop ready to attack the rest of his bloke’s day!


“We always use the bay rum first. It’s a fragrance that a lot of old school barbers used to implement in their work.” – Kohl Izaha, Barber, The Barbers Lounge



2020-07-30-Ryman-Styling-Hi-Res-09123Are you telling me shopping is fun? 

Stylist and colour expert Abby Button helped Bevis match his colours. She took into account his skin tone and eye colour to select a range of colours that look best on him. An out of the box experience for most Kiwi blokes, this knowledge was put to good use when it came time to hit the shops.


Bevis and our crew headed to Ballantynes, Christchurch and let loose in the menswear department. This is not something Bevis does often, but he was pleasantly surprised at how fun it can be! With Abby’s expert assistance the experience was a great laugh and remarkably easy.


She listened to Bevis as he shared the types of clothing he prefers to wear, then shared some advice for matching patterns. Abby also had plenty of tips on how to embrace the right colours for you. Some colours can make you look tired and washed out while others can make your eyes brighter and complement your skin tone. Once you know which colours suit your skin and eyes, you can focus your future shopping on those colours. Knowing the tricks of the trade always makes things easier!


Bevis and Abby also had fun with accessories. Hats, pocket squares, and sunglasses all add interest to an outfit and matching patterns and choosing colours that suited his skin colour was simple with a little help. The items Bevis chose were ones that he, quite simply, liked the look of and felt comfortable in – “I rather like that to be honest”. When staff queried why we were filming, Bevis let them know that a new “James bond film is coming up.” Well, he certainly looked the part! When his chosen items were paired with some colour suggestions and pattern-matching advice, the result was fantastic. Bevis walked out of his shopping session feeling and looking amazing.


While Bevis was lucky enough to be helped by a personal stylist on his bloke’s day out, anyone can enjoy the same experience by saying hello to the shop assistant and asking for help with their clothing choices. For those who prefer a DIY experience, hold the clothing items up to your face. This will help you see which colour looks best against your skin. While your instinct might be ‘I have no idea’ take a moment and you might be surprised to see that one simply looks better than the other.




“Wearing colour can take a bit of confidence, but with knowledge comes confidence and that’s why it’s important to get your colours done.” - Abby Button, Stylist and Colour Expert


Call a time out

Planning a bloke’s day out is a great way to be social and have a laugh with your mates. Visit a local barbershop, have a yarn, and treat yourselves to coffee and a bite to eat. And if you don’t want the good times to end, pop into a menswear store and try on some hats and sunglasses for a good laugh. Who knows – you might find the perfect hat to add to your collection! Between gardening, trip-planning, and family events, it’s easy to skip over ‘number one’. But it’s well worth planning a bloke’s day out for a grooming WOF. But be wary of the barbershop – between the bay rum oil, hot towels, banter, and comfy leather chairs, you won’t want to leave!


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