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Jaffa Hot Chocolate

October 22, 2020

hot chocolate

Warm-up from the inside out with this decadent delight.


A cheeky treat, this hot chocolate recipe includes whipped cream, orange zest, and chocolate sauce. More than a drink – it’s a dessert!



• 500ml milk
• 40ml orange juice
• 1 tsp orange rind, grated
• 100g dark chocolate, chopped or drops


• Cream, whipped
• Jaffas, chopped
• Chocolate sauce, to drizzle
• Cocoa, to dust
• Extra orange rind, grated


• Pour the milk into a small saucepan and heat over medium heat stirring constantly.
• Add the orange juice, rind, and chocolate.
• Whisk for 2-5 minutes until melted.
• Pour the mixture into serving glasses and top each with cream, jaffas, chocolate sauce, orange rind and cocoa.
• Serve immediately.




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