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Ross and Eleanor’s motorhome lifestyle

December 10, 2021

ross_campervanRoss and his wife Eleanor regularly pack up and take off on adventures in their motorhome.

The pair have been travelling “all our life” and while they motorhome now, their holidays used to feature tenting and caravanning with the family. These days, owning a motorhome makes it all too easy to get away.


Motorhomers are a social bunch. And Ross and Eleanor often travel in convoy with friends, stopping off at the same spots and enjoying each other’s company. Especially at happy hour, when, as Ross says, “we all put our feet up and tell lies” at 4pm each day.


Ryman residents, Ross and Eleanor have positioned themselves in a convenient location. They have easy access north or south, east or west – whichever takes their fancy. We joined them on a trip to go mountain biking and enjoy a spot of relaxation.



Being able to easily pack up and leave is one of the reasons they relocated to a Ryman village. As Eleanor says, “we don’t have to worry about the house and the gardens and all that, we can just go”.


But Ross and Eleanor haven’t traded home comforts for travel. Their motorhome features a surprisingly spacious living area where they gather with friends, watch television, and eat meals. Their kitchen has a gas stove, oven, and sink making eating well on the go a simple task. And “the most comfortable bed you could ever imagine” holds pride of place at the back of the motorhome. Along with the required bathroom amenities to be fully self-contained.


ross_campervan_2Having travelled for the last 20 years with another couple from their Ryman village, Ross and Eleanor have created a motorhome community. Back when Ross was an avid ukulele player, country music festivals and nights playing music were an important part of their travels. Now he’s hitting mountainous regions on his e-bike.


These days, it’s the freedom, “just being able to go”, and the camaraderie of travelling with friends that highlight life on the road for Ross and Eleanor.


Thank you, Ross and Eleanor for allowing us to tag along on your latest trip.

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