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Say cheese! platter

September 11, 2021


A true classic, who doesn’t love a cheese platter? With dairy-free and vegan cheeses on the market, there’s something for everyone! A cheese platter is uniquely simple to throw together. Most of the goods don’t need to be cooked, baked, or prepared in any way. Simply take them out of their packet, cut them to size, and display. Cheese platters are also photo-friendly, so have your camera nearby!



Your base (dips and spreads)
- pâté
- mustard
- honey
- chutney
- hummus
- pesto
- thick yoghurt
- cream cheese

- rye
- sourdough
- ciabatta
- baguette
- focaccia
- buns
- pretzels
- pita

Include a variety of flavours and textures. Opt for dairy-free or vegan cheeses to suit any dietary requirements.

- soft (Brie, Camembert, Buffalo Mozzarella)
- aged (Gouda, Cheddar, Gruyère)
- crumbly (Feta, Stilton)
- hard (Gouda, Manchego)
- smelly (Gorgonzola, Roquefort)

- prosciutto
- salami
- chorizo
- sliced beef
- pulled pork
- chicken

Fruit and vegetables
- sliced apple
- grapes, bunched
- melon
- pineapple
- dried apricots
- dried cranberries
- olives
- cherry tomatoes
- cucumber
- carrot sticks
- pickled onions

Crackers and fillers
- crackers (water biscuit, salted, rice, cheddar)
- breadsticks
- nuts (cashews, macadamias, almonds)

Splash of creativity
- Why not make your own crackers? Homemade crackers can be cut into playful shapes and sizes before baking.
- Decorate your final platter with fresh-cut herbs and edible flowers.

Begin with a large plate or board. Cluster your base dips and spreads first, then fan the bread around them. Cheeses and meats come next. Cut these into interesting shapes and stack them for height and visual interest. Use fruit and vegetable to fill all the large gaps and lean against existing items. Finally, fill the small gaps and crevices with crackers and fillers. Smaller fruits and vegetables like grapes or carrot sticks are also suited to this. If you’re seeking a finishing touch, add herbs and edible flowers.

Hungry for more?
For more platter ingredient lists, click one of the below:
Rise and shine breakfast platter
Fresh seafood platter
Savoury comfort platter
Vege lovers platter
Sweet treat platter

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