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Spiced Hot Chocolate

April 09, 2021

Spiced hot chocSpiced Hot Chocolate

‘Tis the season to perfect this simple, comforting spiced hot chocolate. There are plenty of ways to make this hot drink your own. Let loose and experiment with different spices and rinds! Once you’ve found your signature recipe, settle in with a good book as it warms your body and soothes your soul.

1 cup milk
1 tbsp finely chopped chocolate
1 tsp vanilla extract
Cinnamon powder, pinch
Chilli powder, pinch
Orange rind, to garnish

Swap the orange rind for lemon or lime to enjoy a hot chocolate with a twist!
Experiment with nutmeg and cloves for added scent and spice
Swap cows milk for a nut or oat milk

1. Heat the milk in a small saucepan with the spices and vanilla until nearly boiling.
2. Remove from the heat and sprinkle with the chocolate.
3. Let it sit for 30 seconds as the chocolate melts. Whisk vigorously to ensure it is well blended.
4. Return the saucepan to heat and continue to whisk constantly. Do not allow it to boil.
5. When the mixture is at a drinkable temperature, remove it from the heat and pour it into serving       cups. Serve with a garnish of orange rind.

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