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Facebook Glossary

April 24, 2020

This glossary includes the common terms found on the Facebook website and their definitions. You will see this terminology frequently as you explore and use Facebook.

Facebook Glossary

If you’re just getting started with Facebook, read our What is Facebook article first. It introduces Facebook and includes links to instructional videos that will get you started using Facebook.



This is the term used when you are connected with someone on Facebook. When you add someone as a ‘friend’, they’re able to see your profile and updates. And vice-versa. It’s like adding each other to an online contact book.


Status (or Post)
Users can share updates and information with their Facebook friends. A status (or post) can include where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, and a photo, article, or video. Instead of sending several emails with photos from a recent overseas trip, you can upload some photos to Facebook and share them with all your Facebook friends at once.



If someone shares a status or makes a comment on someone else’s status that you like or agree with, you can click the ‘like’ button to show it. When you hover over the like button below a status, you will see a few options to choose from: Like (thumbs up), love, happy face, sad face, angry face, and more.


These allow users to send anyone (even those who aren’t a Facebook friend) a private message. They’re like miniature emails that are written, sent, and received through Facebook. If you and the other person are both online at the same time, then you can reply as if you’re having a type of phone conversation or texting.

This is your mini-biography and it contains basic information like your name, birthday, where you have worked, where you went to school, the town where you live (or have lived), and whether or not you’re in a relationship. You can choose which pieces of information you fill out as well as who can view that information.

Everyone has a Timeline that contains their status updates and any updates or photos they have been tagged in. Your timeline is organized with the most recent at the top.

Groups allow you to connect with people across Facebook who enjoy the same things as you. Groups can be based around books, hobbies, music, families, businesses, and community hubs.

Organize events and invite guests or respond to an event that you’ve been invited to. You can write status updates for events, just as you would for yourself. You and your friends can also comment on the event’s status updates to help each other with the planning.

A profile for brands, businesses, community hubs, charities, and celebrities. You can like a page to be kept up to date on what the owners of the page are doing. Your local bakery might have a page where they announce specials and share photos of their baked goods.

A status or photo on Facebook can be tagged with the name of someone related to the status or photo. A family photo Mary uploaded to her Facebook timeline might be tagged with ‘John’, ‘Julia’, and ‘Sadie’. Mary’s photo will now appear in John, Julia, and Sadie’s Facebook timelines as well. Mary might have tagged them because they were in the photo or would relate to it in some way.

You get a notification whenever something happens on Facebook that involves you. Commonly, this will be if someone likes or comments on your status update or comment, or if someone invites you to like a page, play a game, or join an event or group.

News Feed
This shows the statuses (or posts) from your Facebook friends and the pages you follow. The more that you interact with a friend or page, the more often their posts are pushed to the top of your news feed.

When you block someone, they won’t be able to see your profile, add you as a friend, or message you. You can block and unblock users in your account settings.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

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