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Triple A exercises at home

February 01, 2022

Below are a series of videos containing exercises you can do in your own home. 


Remember to have something to hold onto for balance, such as a chair, bench or table.

Disclaimer: These exercises are completed at your own risk.  So make sure you have a safe area to exercise, like a flat even surface that is free of any hazards.  Also make sure you exercise to your own ability and adapt the exercises accordingly, if needed.  You may find it helpful to have something to hold onto for balance, such as a steady chair, bench or table. If you begin to feel unstable or tired, stop and take a break.  If you continue to feel discomfort or unwell, then please promptly consult your medical professional.


Full in-home Triple A class


Calf raises and leg abductions


Leg abductions


Leg curls


Knee bends


Balance exercises

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