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Walking Victoria

December 22, 2021



Ben Rossiter shared Victoria’s best kept walking secrets with us for the latest edition of our lifestyle magazine, yellow. And we were inspired! So, we’ve provided a shortlist of Melbourne walks for those keen to explore the city.


“Blue and green time – by the water or in the bush – is very important.”


Ben built Australia’s primary organisation leading the push for walkable communities with his tight-knit team and funding from VicHealth. It’s safe to say he knows a thing or two about what makes a good walk. Ben is also the Vice President of the International Federation of Pedestrians.


An evidence-based organisation, Victoria Walks has a focus on research and actively contributes to policy. “We want government to seriously invest in walking whether it’s recreational, for health, tourism, or walkable communities so that people can walk wherever they need to go each day.


Victoria Walks owns Walking Maps, an incredibly robust guide for walks throughout Victoria. You can learn more at walkingmaps.com.au, simply search your current location or an area where you plan to be and find detailed descriptions of walks near you.


Williamstown to Altona – Bay hike
This public transport accessible walk is a great day out for those seeking a bit of beach in their city lives. Begin at Williamstown and walk to Altona Pier. Coastal parks are a highlight plus the Mobil refinery.


This walk was suggested to Victoria Walks by Simone Alexander. Simone walks at least 50km each week and says this is her favourite stretch of the bay.

12.63km return




Yarra River Walk

Be a city tourist for the day! This riverside walk will take you from Federation Square down the Yarra River to the Swan Street Bridge and back along the river to South Bank, returning to Fed Square. You may want to set aside a few hours because there’s plenty to see, do, and eat along the way.

3.36km return




Werribee Central River Walk

A nice, easy stroll that won’t take much longer than half an hour. This walk is situated where the Werribee river runs through the middle of Werribee and it navigates both Wyndham Park and Chirnside Park, crossing the river twice.

2.58km return




Merri Creek Trail

Conveniently beginning and ending at tram stops, this walk follows the Merri Creek Trail. It connects Fitzroy North to Coburg, and you can begin your walk at either end. A beautiful slice of nature in the city, Merri Creek is used for walking, running, and biking.

7.86km one way




100 Acres Nature Trail

This is a true nature experience. Walkers encounter narrow bush tracks, waterways and ponds, bridges, gum trees, and plenty of wildlife. This natural bush environment is comprised of 41 hectares classified as Conservation Reserve of Regional Significance.

2.43km return




Princes Park Loop Walk

In the heart of Carlton North, Princes Park is one of Melbourn’s favourite parkland escapes. Shady, beautifully planted, and well maintained, the park has great walking paths, towering trees, ponds, and even dog-friendly spaces. Be sure to pack a picnic for this one.

3.52km return




Looking for a walk? Visit walkingmaps.com.au and enter a location for up-to-date information on walks nearby. Or visit victoriawalks.org.au to learn more about Ben and Victoria Walks.

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