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Where to find autumn colour in Victoria

May 05, 2021

As the air crispens and the days begin to shrink, the shift in season is evident all around. Autumn is the ideal time to explore your local neighbourhood while soaking up the last of the warm weather. For added wellness, take a few moments to appreciate nature’s evolving colours. One of the best parts of autumn, this visual show is available all day every day – right here in your Victorian backyard.

Colourful trees stand out around the city and beyond, simply bursting with red, orange, and yellow. The months of March, April and May welcome distinct leaf changes. We’re set to see trees blooming and blushing along streets and through parks. Fortunately, you don’t have to travel far to enjoy the colourful display. It’s as easy as taking a slow drive around your neighbourhood. Or if you’re feeling adventurous, pack a picnic and explore a little further. Here are a few of our favourite spots for autumn colour.

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Known for its autumnal display, Bright is an autumn must-see. A 3–4-hour drive from Melbourne, Bright has some of the most brilliant autumn colours on offer. Not to mention restaurants, cafes, breweries, wineries, hot air balloon trips, and plenty of accommodation – it’s the perfect weekend getaway. The best way to enjoy the autumn splendour of Bright is by bike. Cruise along the Ovens River and make your way through town. There are also plenty of mountain biking trails to keep you busy. For those less interested in sweaty pursuits, take some time out at the town’s renowned Bright Autumn Festival. This ten-day festival is a true celebration of the season’s colour and produce.

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Dandenong Ranges


You’ll encounter the stunning Dandenongs after a 1-hour drive from Melbourne City. Explore the region to soak up its incredible autumn colour. Sherbrooke Road, between the main Tourist Road and Kallista, is guaranteed to wow with fiery foliage. The Dandenongs are home to several gardens filled with a range of trees, lakes, and greenery. Check out Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens, Cloudehill Garden & Nursery, George Tindale Memorial Gardens, and RJ Hamer Arboretum. Their colourful canopies and hilly scenery are unmissable. It’s worth timing your trip with the annual Kalorama Chestnut Festival, a much-loved event by the local community and visitors alike.


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Blazing colour lines the streets of Macedon during autumn as pin oaks and maples transform. Wrap up warm and take a stroll down Honour Avenue for a magical autumn experience. 154 pin oaks representing the people of Macedon enlisted for service in World War I flank the avenue, creating an unforgettable seasonal display. Forest Glade Garden, Tieve Terra, and the Macedon Open Gardens are great places to visit as the weather cools down. Find your new favourite picnic spot among the spectacular trees and gardens of this region. All only an hour from Melbourne City.





Right beside the Melbourne CBD lies the suburb of Carlton. This lively neighbourhood bursts with culture – and autumnal colour. It’s home to Carlton Gardens, a World Heritage Site featuring spectacular trees in bold autumn hues spread across 64 acres of parkland, lakes, fountains, flowerbeds, the Royal Exhibition Building, and Melbourne Museum. Highly regarded for Lygon Street’s Italian Precinct, Carlton is a must-see for autumn colour, European-style squares, Victorian architecture, local restaurants, and family-friendly activities.



East Melbourne


A suburb comprised of mostly parkland; East Melbourne comes alive during the autumn months. A stroll from the CBD, this suburb is a popular spot for viewing some of the best that autumn has to offer. Visit Fitzroy Gardens to escape into the amber beauty of autumn, and step back in time with as you stroll the Victorian-era landscaping, view a model Tudor village, visit James Cook’s English cottage, and enjoy sculptures and a rotunda. The avenues of the gardens are lined with impressive elms, which explode into shades of red, orange, yellow, and everything between.

As a season of change, autumn presents an opportunity for reflection. Press pause for a moment and slow down to take in the beautiful (yet fleeting) colours and views around you. With crisp air and clear days, it’s the ideal time to explore autumn in Victoria.

If travel isn’t on the cards, why not enjoy these scenes on your computer? Simply search the internet for the location, adding the word ‘autumn’. Scroll through the images where you’re sure to find some beautiful photos to get you in the autumnal spirit.


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