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Movie night just got a whole lot sweeter! Ideally suited to celebrations like baby showers and birthday parties, sweet platters are very customizable. If you’re planning a fun afternoon treat or evening activity at home, try a mini board for one or a medium board for a few. If your theme is that it’s a Wednesday and you want a treat, your platter could focus on a food type: cookies, lollies, dried fruits.
Your base (dipping sauces)
- berry coulis
- passionfruit coulis
- caramel sauce
- hot fudge sauce
- chocolate sauce
- freeze-dried blackcurrant powder
Pastries and baking
- mini cupcakes
- mini fruit tarts
- mini doughnuts
- brownie squares
- cake pops
- toffee
Fresh seasonal fruit
- berries
- peach
- plum
- nectarine
- apple
- pear
- banana
Cookies and crackers
- chocolate cookies
- animal biscuits
- wine biscuits
- shortbread
- pretzels
Dried and freeze-dried
- apricots
- figs
- bananas
- mango
- apple
- raspberry
Lollies and chocolate
- gummies
- jellybeans
- M&Ms
- marshmallows
- dairy milk squares
- chocolate bark
- truffles
- chocolate wafer sticks
- chocolate-coated coffee bark
Splash of creativity
- fill cocktail glasses with smaller treats and scatter their positions across the platter
A dish with sides is best suited to a sweet platter. The edges will help contain the treats and stop those shaped into balls from rolling away. Begin with your base sauce dishes clustered just off-centre then create piles of baked goods in the middle. Next, begin building from the outside in with your fruit and crackers, making sure that any fruit juice is mopped up so dry items don’t get wet. Dried fruit is next. Use this to fill any large gaps. And finally, scatter your fillers – the lollies and chocolate – across the platter filling any remaining gaps or crevices while adding height and visual interest.
Hungry for more?
For more platter ingredient lists, click one of the below:
Rise and shine breakfast platter
Fresh seafood platter
Savoury comfort platter
‘Say cheese!’ platter
Vege lovers platter
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