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Home is where the heart is

Finding the best of both worlds

When your head tells you it’s time to move, but your heart longs to be near family and friends, what should you do? You simply find the best of both worlds.

When Susan and her husband John were considering moving to Weary Dunlop Retirement Village, a major attraction was being near Mount Waverley where they had lived for 36 years, and close to friends in Glen Waverley.

Though the couple were happy to downsize, they still wanted plenty of space, so they chose a three-bedroom apartment.

When Susan and John signed up, their sons agreed it was a good plan, “now we don’t have to worry about moving both of you, or one of you out of this big home.”

Susan says the independent apartment also made sense financially.

“It seemed like a very good financial and secure deal for us. John had had a career in finance, so we looked into it very thoroughly and we could not do better than Ryman.”

Susan and John formed lasting friendships at Weary Dunlop, “we joined in village life from the start and that’s really been a great thing for me to have the companionship here.”

Susan-Weary-Dunlop-article-medium“I can’t speak highly enough about the idea of coming into a retirement village when you get to this stage in your life.” 





Despite losing John to cancer nine months ago, Susan continues to take part in the vibrant village community.

“I enjoy the company of friends in the village. Most days I’ll have afternoon tea with village friends,” Susan says. She also enjoys the village library and the monthly fine dining evenings at the village.

In fact, one of the aspects that Susan enjoys about Weary Dunlop is that you can walk around the village entirely indoors. “A lot of people exercise indoors by just walking round the corridors and that’s a huge advantage,” Susan explains.

Now that Susan is on her own, her family feel reassured knowing there is care and support close at hand. Including the apartment’s call-assist alarms that are monitored 24 hours a day by on-site staff.

Susan recalls when she needed an ambulance for John, “I just pressed the button behind the bed and a lass from upstairs was down almost immediately. The staff are wonderful, absolutely wonderful.”

Although she misses John dearly, Susan doesn’t regret their decision to move to the village.

“I can’t speak highly enough about the idea of coming into a retirement village when you get to this stage in your life,” she says. “I really love it here. I think Weary Dunlop and Ryman has so much to offer.”


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